r@fink brews

Friday, December 28, 2007

NYE, British Bitter and me

The British Bitter is kegged and carbing as we speak. Be sure to join us on NYE for brisket and homebrew!

Sunday, December 23, 2007

lucky 13

While looking at my brew calendar I noticed that I brewed 13 batches of beer in 2007. That's 3 batches more than 2006! I have ingredients for Phat Tyre and Moose Drool clones in the mail to start my 2008 brewing.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Racked the Brit while the Moose Drools

I recently found a recipe to replicate the Moose Drool brewed by Big Sky Brewing Company that we love and brewed it up today. With the hops shortage, it took a little shopping around to find all the right ingredients for this recipe, but I managed. The result looks and smells to be a very dark, and robust ale. That's the ticket! I also racked the British Bitter over to the secondary and hope to get this kegged and carbed before New Years Eve. When racking, I couldn't help but notice the big hop aroma this brew was sporting, so tighten up your laces for this one folks!
Everyone in the listening area is invited to come for a "taste" of homebrew and munchies on New Years Eve, where our house will be open from early evening on.

Saturday, December 08, 2007

It'll be a British Bitter Kwanza

I brewed the Brit Bit and it should be flowing before New Years. It was a crisp 5° on the deck Friday, so I set the brew kettle up on the hillbilly burner just outside the door to keep warm. The last thing I want my friends and family to read in the headlines would be "Minot man dies from exposure, another senseless alcohol related death". We're looking to the middle of this next week for the Phat Tyre to be carbed up and ready to go.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

EPA kaput, Phat Tyre kegged, Brit Bitt next up

The EPA bit the dust tonight....much too soon I might add. It was good while it lasted. On a happier note, I kegged the Phat Tyre tonight and I could smell that distinctive bready yeast aroma famous to New Belgium's Fat Tire. They say colder beer carbonates better and faster, so it will sit in the fridge overnight and I'll gas it tomorrow. I received a British Bitter kit in the mail today and plan on brewing Friday. The holidays should be festive with these two easy drinking brews, so stop in for a cold one.