r@fink brews

Monday, October 30, 2006

Another bottling day looms

The Irish Draught is flattening out nicely and I’m looking to bottle this weekend. With the beer vacancy in the fridge Nancy and I went to seek beer elsewhere last Saturday. We stopped at the Sports On Tap Bar and sampled a few of the twenty some tap beers available. Here’s a list of what we tested and our impressions on same.
Summit Winter Ale – Nice beer. Smooth tasty
Moose Drool – Good stuff, still Nancy’s favorite
Leinenkugel’s Sunset Wheat – No go here. Heavy citrus flavor from Coriander.
Boulevard – No thanks. Very light almost tasteless.
Bass Ale – Good. A tasty ale on the light side.
We didn’t get to taste all varieties on tap, maybe next time.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Bright Brown Bottles of Nut Brown Ale

I bottled the Nut Brown today and came up with 45 bottles of the good smellin’ stuff. I must have lost a little in the racking process because I’m usually around the 50 bottle mark. It has a nice aroma and a beautiful dark brown color with a hint of red. I hope it tastes as good as it smells and looks! We’re looking at or around November 8 for pop a top time. Meanwhile, the fridge is getting bare! I'm sitting on only 4 bottles of Phat Tyre to carry me for 3 weeks! Not a chance that'll last me! Looks like I'm going to have to patronize the brewers of Moose Drool and Newcastle. Meanwhile, let's take a look at a handsome Fat Tire clone.......
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Friday, October 13, 2006

Irish Draught revisited

The Irish Draught was brewed today and everything went like clockwork. Due to the somewhat cool temperatures I set the hillbilly fryer up in the garage to get out of the wind. With the use of a space heater I think I could even brew in the dead of winter out there…..sweet! This is a good thing because the turkey fryer just heats the wort so fast compared to the stove top.
I’m looking to next Tuesday for a bottling session of the Nut Brown so get your glasses and mugs ready.

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Sunday, October 08, 2006

another year

I racked the nut brown on Wednesday, and ordered a Irish Draught kit from Northern Brewer yesterday. Since it was my 48th birthday I had to order a gift of beer for myself.