r@fink brews

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Bob's Yer Uncle has left the building

All The Leaves Are Brown Ale has taken the place of the now empty Bob's Yer Uncle. It shall carb for a few days and be ready to entertain this holiday season along side the On Yer Ass New Old Ale. Good times ahead! I encourage one and all to stop by and sample the new offerings. Must be 21!

Friday, December 12, 2008

kegged ATLA Brown Ale

I kegged the ATLA Brown Ale, gave it a shot of CO2, and set it in the garage to cool today. The Bob's Yer Uncle should be running out soon to make room for this baby in the fridge. I sampled the On Yer Ass Old Ale yesterday and found a nice, coppery brown, smooth ale with a decent kick.

Moose Tool racked

I have racked the Moose Tool into it's seconday and look for Christmas Weekend for kegging.

Saturday, December 06, 2008

Moose Drool clone brewed

I've noticed a few empty kegs sitting around so I brewed a Moose Drool clone today. The wind was down so it was a comfortable +10f on the deck. Here is the recipe as brewed:

Moose Stool Brown Ale
8.50 lb Pale Malt (2 Row)
1.00 lb Caramel/Crystal Malt
0.25 lb Oats, Flaked
0.25 lb Chocolate Malt
0.25 lb Munich Malt - 20L
0.13 lb Black (Patent) Malt
1.25 oz Goldings, East Kent
0.25 oz Goldings, East Kent
1 tsp. Irish Moss
1 pkg. Danstar Nottingham yeast

Thursday, December 04, 2008

ATLA Brown Ale racked

I racked the All Te Leave Are Brown Ale on the 28th so we're looking at the the 12th for kegging. Bob's Yer Uncle Irish Ale was enjoyed on Thanksgiving and quenched the collective Raknoid thirst. Meanwhile...... The "On Yer Ass" New Old Ale lurks in the corner of the fridge waiting for it's Christmas debut.