r@fink brews

Friday, March 31, 2006

I'm sure the beer will be smoother than the bottling went

I bottled the brown today and ended up with 50 bottles of the tasty Newcastle clone. I would've had 51 but I a capping accident sent one crashing to the floor into a bunch of little pieces. Adding injury to insult I banged my eye on the door of the dishwasher while cleaning up the mess. Is it all worth it? HELLS YEAH!

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Captain's log...........brown is racked

I moved the brown into the secondary today and noticed how dark it is. I couldn't see light through it with a lamp next to it. That's dark baby!

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Friday, March 10, 2006

rock and roll

Nukey Brown in action!

Thursday, March 09, 2006

brew day

The Nukey Brown arrived yesterday and will be brewed today. The yeast pack is smacked and I'm pulling out the kettle.
Update: The Nukey is in the primary and the blow off is in place.
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I hope the 3/8" tubing doesn't clog on my makeshift blowoff!

Saturday, March 04, 2006

I feel brown

I ordered a kit from Northern Brewer and Nukey Brown is the flavor. The Irish Red I brewed last is going down pretty good but itn't as clear as past brews because my Irish Moss ran out. I have an ounce of Irish Moss coming too.