r@fink brews

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Keg tapped!

We got into the first keg on Sundy. The beer is good but I think it is a little on the flat side. Maybe it needs a little more time conditioning, or maybe this is as good as it gets. If this is the best it gets, bottling may be the way to go. We'll see.

Thursday, February 10, 2005


I started thinking about my next batch. I am leaning toward something lighter like an american ale or a steam beer. I'll have to peruse the catalogs for a kit.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005


The brown is now in the can waiting for tap day Feb. 23 and beyond. The time and effort saved in kegging is tremendous and I wish I could keg every batch. I don't know if I drink my beer fast enough to keep it fresh in the kegs. We'll see how this batch goes, maybe I'll just have to drink more and faster.