r@fink brews

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

I tapped the keg that I filled with Cream Stout on the 19th and found it very tasty and well carbonated after 5 days on the CO2. I also brewed an English Pale Ale on the 22nd and should have two selections on tap in about 3-4 weeks. Kegging makes home brewing more enjoyable by eliminating the bottling and enjoying the beer a couple weeks earlier.
Stop on up for a draft!

Thursday, October 04, 2007

stout is racked

I racked the stout into the secondary and expect to bottle in a few weeks. I also have decided to start kegging some of my beers and have purchased soda kegs, regulators and a CO2 tank. I now have to figure out how to keep the kegs cold.

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