What do you do with a day off? I brew!
Brewed an APA today! Tweaked the Amarillo APA recipe a little by using some lighter crystal and mixing in some Citra hops. I expect it to be a little lighter and hoppier.
Brewed an APA today! Tweaked the Amarillo APA recipe a little by using some lighter crystal and mixing in some Citra hops. I expect it to be a little lighter and hoppier.
Checked the gravity on the Furious clone brewed last Saturday and it has finished up at 1.012. It was then racked to secondary on top of an ounce of Summit and 1/2 ounce of northern Brewer leaf hops for a 7 day secondary dry hop period. Looking to keg this brew around the 10th. ABV on this brew came out to 6.9%. The Nottingham yeast performed very well and laid down on the bottom nice and hard for a clean transfer.