r@fink brews

Sunday, June 27, 2010

first brew, new stand

Bobby and I decided it was time for a father and son brew session. It was a brown ale and it was the first brew on the new stand that he and I put together.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Brewcart almost done

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ESB and Brown Ale kegged..... let it flow

The Witch's Tit ran out last night so I popped a Brown Ale in the fridge that I just kegged. I just got done kegging the ESB as well.
Current inventory shows:
  • Drinking - Amber Ale
  • Carbing- Brown Ale
  • Kegged - 2 ESB /1Brown Ale /1 Amber Ale

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

another Brown Ale

I brewed a 10 gal. Brown Ale yesterday, and am convinced I need to get a brew stand ASAP to keep from breaking my back.