ESB spells fun for you and me
I brewed a 10 gallon British ESB last night. I brewed after a hectic nine hour work day and stumbled around a bit before wrapping it up about 9:30. By 8:00 am it had quite an active fermentation going.
I brewed a 10 gallon British ESB last night. I brewed after a hectic nine hour work day and stumbled around a bit before wrapping it up about 9:30. By 8:00 am it had quite an active fermentation going.
I checked the final gravity on the Amber Ale and it weighed in at 1.014 which is right where it was advertised to be. It was racked into another keg for secondary fermentation. I'll have to admit fermenting in kegs is a little different because I can't see the beer doing it's magic, but things went very smoothly and cleanup was a breeze. A week or two in the secondary and we'll be ready to keg this baby up.
Brewed up an amber ale today. Since I am on vacation I started brewing at 8:30 am and everything was cleaned up by 1:00pm. That is great because this was my first ten gallon batch and it took no longer to brew than a five gallon batch. Why didn't I start brewing ten gallons earlier?