Refilled CO2
Refilled CO2 at Dakota Fire Extinguisher 5-22-09. It cost me $10.95, $5 cheaper than American Welding and they filled while I waited.
Refilled CO2 at Dakota Fire Extinguisher 5-22-09. It cost me $10.95, $5 cheaper than American Welding and they filled while I waited.
I racked the Toro to the secondary on Sunday. It's clearing up nicely. I ran out of CO2 and the 1554 clone at the same time Monday. A trip to the fire extinguisher shop for a refill and I can get the much anticipated Hey! Porter carbed up and ready to flow.
I've gone and brewed a light beer. It's a cream ale that's very light, a little hoppy, and a whole lot refreshing. This light refreshing beer style is referred to as a lawnmower beer because it's great to have a couple of cold ones after mowing the lawn. I have named it Toro .