r@fink brews

Tuesday, June 28, 2005


Had a little cookout Sunday so I had to crack a couple bottles of Hefe Weizen. Very good, and very smooth.
I also found out recently that I am one of the 25% that sneezes when I look at the sun.

Saturday, June 25, 2005

45 bottles of beer on the wall (on the shelf anyway)

Yesterday we bottled the Irish Red Ale. I realized that I was a little short of empties so I trucked down to the brew shop and picked up a case. Got 45 bottles and it should be ready to drink around the 23 of July. A little taste test proved it is a good batch. One little glitch, I didn't remember to stir the priming mixture to well before bottling. I hope between the adding it and the small sloshing while carrying the bucket upstairs mixed it up good enough.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

alright you asked for it!

Here's a pic of the red in the secondary transferred on 6-16-05
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By the way...it smells wonderful

Here's a pic of my sink with the sludge that remains after the beer is racked into the secondary
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Un-fucking believable..eh?

Saturday, June 04, 2005

red, wheat, and blue

Red:Yesterday I brewed the Irish Red Ale I picked up at the hippie store in Minneapolis and it's already growing hair...stand by for updates.
Wheat:Nancy and I bottled the wheat beer and came up with 46 bottles of a very interesting fruit smelling brew. July 4th is the target date to pop these.
Blue: A recent inventory showed only just over a twelve pack remains of the Cream Ale in the cellar. Man am I blue.
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Wednesday, June 01, 2005

a tale of twin cities

the hefe was racked into the secondary on the 28th and should be in the bottle before the weekend is out. We stopped by the hippie homebrew shop in Minneapolis over Memorial Day weekend and picked up an Irish Red ale for the next batch. I don't know what they had growing in the backroom of that place but I might have a guess or two.