r@fink brews

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Brew day disaster

I brewed up a Scottish ale today under less than perfect conditions. It was one of those days where nothing was going right and I was fumbling around through the whole batch. The worst event was when I loaded up the mash tun with the strike water and grain and left it to mash for it's 60 minutes. I left the room to sanitize the chiller returning 15 minutes later to find my entire first runnings all over the kitchen floor. Some dumbass left the valve open! I added more water and continued the mash but had to add DME to the wort to make up for the loss of the sweet wort. Let's hope I have better luck with tomorrow's Irish Red!
I also finished off the Amber today, kegged the Gnucastle, and started carbing the sweet stout.


At 4:06 PM, Blogger Garth Alexander said...

The spillage is always a drag. Big mess to clean up, sticky floors etc. But I feel each disaster is just experience points to becoming a better brewer!

At 3:40 PM, Blogger - r@fink said...

The beer turned out okay, but I can't help but wonder how it would have been. It's true though, we learn from our f-ups.
Party on Garth!


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