r@fink brews

Saturday, July 16, 2005

red alert!

We cracked a couple bottles of the red ale last night. What we found was a pretty good tasting brew with decent carbonation and a nice quarter inch layer of foam that hung around to the bottom of the glass.
If there is anyone out there reading this that would be willing to save any non-scew top beer bottles for donation, it would be appreciated. Bring 'em on over and I'll let you empty some of mine in exchange. Drink up Shriners!


At 7:42 PM, Blogger ShortyT said...

Dear Rakfink:
L'il Petey sent me to your blog, and I must say I do think pictures of homebrew are much more interesting than most of the crap you see out there. As for the empties, I've got about three cases of returnables in the basement somewhere I'll bring up to Mindrot next time, and I'll see what kind of deal I can swing with the Budman for more. I did plenty of research on homebrewing, got most of the stuff, and then never got around to actually making any. (sigh) Does that surprise You? Keep it coming and I'll try and do my share.


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