r@fink brews

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

No brews is bad news

Hey, I think my homebrew might be some good stuff. I had the family over for Christmas dinner, and broke out the brew. I wasn't sure how it would go over because there are a lot of people in this world that just enjoy the American store bought beer and can't hack an imported or a homebrew. To my surprise, everyone liked it. I would put it about 60/40 in favor of the Red Ale over the Brown Ale. I too like the Red over the Brown. Dunno why, it just seems a little fuller and creamier. Of course I wouldn't turn down the Brown either, it seems a little better with a meal than the Red.
I saw a message from Tom on the messageboard, and it turns out he was real close to going to Phuket, Thailand for a Christmas trip but decided not to go. (insert collective sigh of relief)
What's the chat abbreviation for "thank fucking God he didn't go"?
I heard an ad on the radio for one of those courses to train you to improve you memory... I can't remember the name of it or their phone number. Probably don't need it anyway.


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