From APA to IPA to a Belgian Farmhouse
So, do to the fact that I'm always on the ipad and the ipad doesn't seem to play well with blogspot, my posts are few and far between. I will get better. My last post dealt with the APA that I put up in just a few weeks to be served at Bobby's wedding celebration. Even though the beer went pretty fast and everyone liked it, I would not put it up there as one of my best efforts.
In the days since, I have put up two brews for our drinking pleasure. One being an IPA like New Belgium's Ranger and the other a Belgian Farmhouse patterned after the Boulevard Tank 7. Both are on tap and went over quite well at Thanksgiving with the fam and friends. I was only allowed to do a 5 gallon batch of the Farmhouse due to the small amount of base grain on hand, but a recent delivery of a sack of grain from the cities has got me back in the game. Thanks Steve and Ann!
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